

The ANZPAC Plastics Pact demonstrates its dedication to developing a circular economy for plastic packaging through a series of impactful projects, focusing on remote and regional communities.


ANZPAC is actively delivering the following projects:

Circular Pacific Plastics

Circular Pacific Plastics (CPP) is part of ANZPAC’s initiative to deliver projects that provide tangible benefits to both brand owners and local communities. The first project, launched in Fiji, involves a soft plastics recovery initiative in collaboration with local delivery partners, co-funded by major brand owners and external funding partners. Brand engagement is a key driver for change in the Pacific region, and brands need and want to be part of the solution. CPP demonstrates a collaborative, real-time, on-the-ground effort with a measurable impact.

This work supports progress towards ANZPAC Target 3 – Increase plastic packaging collected and effectively recycled by at least 25% for each ANZPAC region, and Target 4 – Average of 25% recycled content in plastic packaging across the region.

Circular Economy Business Case in the Northern Territory (Australia)

This project is aiming at enabling better management of plastic packaging waste in remote and regional communities in the Northern Territory (NT) through improved data and insights, quantification of financial flows and assessment of interventions, such as voluntary EPR schemes.

This work supports progress towards ANZPAC Target 3 – Increase plastic packaging collected and effectively recycled by at least 25% for each ANZPAC region.

Reuse Activation Program

To achieve a circular economy, we need to integrate reuse models in how we use plastic packaging. The ANZPAC reuse program is supporting members in accelerating reuse in their business models by providing market insights, collaboration opportunities within the market and peer to peer learning opportunities.

This work supports progress towards ANZPAC Target 1 – Eliminate unnecessary and problematic plastic packaging and ANZPAC Target 2 – 100% of plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025.

Circular Design Principles

Plastic packaging design principles and guidelines relevant for the ANZPAC region. This resource will support members to design plastic packaging that is fulfilling the journey towards circularity in the ANZPAC region.

This work supports progress towards ANZPAC Target 2 – 100% of plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025.


ANZPAC received funding under the National Product Stewardship Investment Fund to design industry-led national product stewardship programs. Both projects were developed to shift away from an individual organisational approach towards a broader sectoral view to support our work towards the ANZPAC Targets.

Polypropylene Plant Packaging Recycling (PoPPr)

Background: The Polypropylene Plant Packaging Recycling (PoPPr) Program was delivered in partnership with Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA) to provide analysis and solutions for expanding extended producer responsibility (EPR) initiatives for plant packaging recovery and recycling

Result: The output of the PoPPr project is being leveraged by the industry to implement an effective extended producer responsibility (EPR) program for plastic plant packaging.

The project ended in March 2022.

This includes:

A situational analysis and business case demonstrating strong stakeholder support for a national scheme.

  • a successful Pilot Program and capturing key operational and financial details for product stewardship scheme design.
  • an assessment alternative scheme options and the cost benefits for a national scheme.
  • a co-designed and industry supported product stewardship framework.

Oil Containers Program

Background: ANZPAC and APCO worked with industry to design an effective and efficient product stewardship scheme for the recovery of motor oil containers. The project was in response to the fact that motor oil bottles are on the Commonwealth Government’s Ministers Priority List for product stewardship action and in line with Australia’s 2025 National Packaging Targets and the ANZPAC Targets.

Result: Collaborative project activities with industry (including material flow analysis, business case development, governance, and funding modelling) and extensive stakeholder engagement identified that the optimal approach to establishing a new oil bottle container product stewardship scheme is through Commonwealth Government regulation that makes participation mandatory for brands that place eligible motor oil containers on the Australian market.

The project ended in March 2023.

The implementation of a mandatory new stewardship scheme is crucial to improving the circularity of oil containers. It will overcome the issues associated with a previously failed voluntary stewardship model by ensuring the ongoing financial contribution of all relevant brand owners to the delivery of a nationally accessible collection and recycling solution that mitigates the negative environmental impacts of this problematic packaging.

Do you have any project ideas focusing on plastic circularity, especially in remote and regional communities? Check out our EOI form.